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Always believe in yourself

23 Jul 2022

By Ushara Shamini Self-esteem is a fundamental pillar within ourselves that should always be improved upon if we are to be happy. It’s important to appreciate our unique qualities and strengths. Tips to boost your self-esteem Self-development Invest your time in improving yourself. If you feel there is something that is making you feel a little bad about yourself, then you can improve on that skill. It is very important to pay attention to personal growth and self-improvement. Read, listen, study, and learn about how to live with emotional intelligence and maturity. Your self-esteem will automatically improve. Care for yourself Eating well and exercising make you feel good on the inside and stimulate a more positive mood. As you may know, exercise makes you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally and it provides a sense of control over your health and vitality. Be honest Be honest with yourself and others. If you are living a lie, telling yourself or others stories about who you are and how you feel, remember that you are entrapping yourself in unhappiness. Also, you must be authentic and accepting to open your heart to self-love. Start practising gratitude As we may know, when we express gratitude for the good things in our life, our mind reaffirms that good things are happening to us and when your mind feels that good things are happening to you, it makes you feel happy and accomplished, boosting confidence and thus self-esteem. An attitude of gratitude throughout each day does wondrous things for one’s esteem. Improve your self-efficacy Self-efficacy refers to how much and how certainly you believe in your ability to achieve a specific goal. Simply put, if you don’t believe you can give an impromptu speech, you’ll be less likely to give one, or you tend to give it up right away. Don’t let your mistakes stop you from trying again If we’re not making mistakes, we’re not trying hard enough. Failure is part of innovation, perhaps the most important part. Also, mistakes are portals of great discoveries and ultimately part of our success story. If we never mess up at least once in life, we will never learn or improve. The trick is never to make the same mistake twice. Stop comparing yourself to others Not comparing yourself to others is the most important key to happiness. Instead of measuring ourselves against others, try to always be better than the person you were yesterday. That’s the better way to boost your self-esteem. Set realistic goals It’s very important to set realistic goals; if you keep setting the bar too high for yourself, it will only lead to disappointment. Therefore enjoy the things you can already do. Also, try to do something now and then that is just too difficult for you. The more experience you gain in succeeding in challenges, the more confidence you build. Every day, set one or two small goals for yourself. For sure at the end of a year, you will have achieved more than you ever expected. Be optimistic Being optimistic is the key to building your self-esteem. It’s not easy to build your self-esteem if you have negative emotions about your life and future. As always we must become aware of our thoughts and feelings to maintain control of our emotions and state of mind. Develop a positive outlook about your life and the future even if challenges occur because by pushing through them, you will grow. Always keep in mind that self-esteem is a process, and it won’t happen overnight, but there are things you can do to get it started and keep it moving. People with healthy self-esteem don’t need the validation of others to feel good about themselves as they validate themselves.   PHOTOS © GREATOR, ELEARNEVER, THE STATESMAN, NETDOCTOR, VOCAL MEDIA 

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