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'Stay Safe' contact tracing app to be launched

04 Nov 2020

The Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) has today (04) presented the "Stay Safe" ("Suwen Sitimu") app, which provides digital contact tracing during the current pandemic, to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, and the app will be launched officially on Monday (09). "The most vital necessity during the COVID-19 pandemic is the contact tracing, and recognising which areas are at more risk than others. The "Stay Safe" app scans QR codes from companies that identify each person's location and place of employment so that it would be easier to trace them in the search of COVID contact tracing," Shanaka Perera of the Stay Safe team at ICTA told the Morning. ICTA Chairman Jayantha De Silva stated, "The app is currently undergoing the preliminary stages of implementing a database that records all employees' locations of all companies, which can be accessed by anyone regardless of whether they have a smartphone or not. The database will be implemented by Sunday (08), and the app will be launched officially on Monday." Furthermore, he stated that all companies can obtain their own QR codes for the app through The team of consultants for Stay Safe include Shanaka Perera, Nuzhi Meyen, Christopher Adikaram, and Kanishka Bandara.

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