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It’s okay to be angry

07 Aug 2022

  By Ushara Shamini Anger is an emotion we have all experienced in life. When we become angry, our ability to think logically and problem solve is greatly reduced. Anger completely shuts down an open mind. Anger can become a default way of handling problems if repeated, as well. If you habitually get angry when an issue comes up, remember that anger will fast become the only way you handle anything. Therefore prevent it when you can, and vent positively. How many times have you done or said something in anger that you later regretted? What words and actions do you wish you could take back in your life? Here are some effective tips to control your anger. Focus on releasing it positively: Holding in anger is not only emotionally damaging, it’s physically unhealthy too. Also, it causes stress. You need to release your anger only in a positive way. You can do anything to vent your anger, for example, go to the gym, go for a walk, and so on, and not do something destructive physically or verbally. And always remember not to vent negatively. Know that it’s okay to be angry: Anger in itself isn’t wrong or right. But what counts is your response to that anger. Anger does need to be expressed, but it must be done in a positive way. Don’t hold anger in; don’t be verbally or physically abusive. Keep in mind that it’s okay to feel angry. Remember past experiences of your anger: You can recount the past experiences of your anger. Try to ask yourself – what are the things you said in your anger? How much hurt do you cause your family members, friends, and others? How guilty do you feel afterward? And at last, ask yourself – do I want to feel like that again? Was it worth it? Take a break as soon as you recognise that you’re angry: You can take a break by stopping what you’re doing, getting away from whatever is irritating you or just taking a breather. Getting away from whatever makes you angry will make it infinitely easier to calm down. And it’s very important to remember that you do not have to respond to a situation immediately. Try to understand the other side: Whenever you feel like you are getting angry, try to walk in the other person’s shoes and see the situation from their perspective. When you tell the story or relive the events as they saw them, you may gain a new understanding and it could cause you to become less angry. Ask for the support of someone you trust: Anger doesn’t let us think rationally and a third party’s advice can be beneficial in this regard. Sometimes, sharing your concerns with a close friend or confidant might help you vent your anger. And remember to express clearly what you want from the other person and how you feel as well Simply put, to control your anger, you have to eliminate the cause of the anger. When you clear your mind, the trigger of that anger will disappear. You will become a positive and broad-minded person that sees the world as it is. PHOTOS © UNSPLASH, EVERYPIXEL      

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