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National list: 99% finalised: SJB

13 Aug 2020

By Skandha Gunasekara As of last evening (12), the Samagi Jana Balawegaya (SJB) had finalised 99% of their National List parliamentarians. SJB stalwart Ranjith Madduma Bandara said that they hope to finalise the parliamentarians entering through the National List as soon as possible. “We have completed 99% of our National List. A few last matters need to be discussed before we finalise.” Earlier, Madduma Bandara confirmed to The Morning that he was one of the SJB members who would enter Parliament through the National List. Meanwhile, SJB parliamentarian Harin Fernando said that some minority parties were agreeable to not being included in the National List. “Head of the National Union of Workers (NUW) Palani Digambaram informed me that he did not mind if his party did not receive a National List seat,” Fernando said, noting that he was unaware of the stance taken by other minority parties.

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