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PCR tests: Daily capacity boosted by 2,000

29 Nov 2020

By Maheesha Mudugamuwa The national daily PCR testing capacity has been boosted by 2,000 with the restoration of the Mulleriyawa PCR machine’s operations, bringing the total daily national testing capacity to between 9,000 and 12,000 tests, according to Director General of Health Services (DGHS) Dr. Asela Gunawardena. Dr. Gunawardena told The Sunday Morning that the PCR test results of the positive Covid-19 patients were being delivered within 24 hours while the negative results were being given within 48 hours. “Usually, the test results of the positive patients are being given to expedite the process of treatment while the negative results were also being informed to the relevant MoH. The issuance of negative results gets a little delayed as they prioritise the positive cases,” he explained. Meanwhile, allegations have been levelled by Association of Government Medical Laboratory Technologists President Ravi Kumudesh that the issuance of test results was being delayed for three days, and that the Government has not yet taken any steps to streamline the process despite several requests made by them. However, Dr. Gunawardena denied the allegation of delays while the Mulleriyawa PCR machine was out of operation, noting that it has now been rectified and the PCR tests are being conducted to its full capacity.  

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