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Tesara Iddamalgoda

02 Sep 2019

BY KAYLA COLLETT Tesara Iddamalgoda, going by the username @tesaarah, has over 13,000 followers on Instagram. Currently studying at Monash University in Malaysia, Tesara is pursuing her Bachelor of Business and Commerce, working as an online personality and juggling content creation during her holidays. Her focus this year is on fitness, studying, and maintaining content creation. Tesara had a private Instagram account until February 2018, when she decided to make it public. Currently, she runs a personal blog which she uses to document her life. She created her first Instagram account at the age of 14. Tesara mentioned that she “was always taken by the idea of being able to develop a collection of pictures that model exactly how you want the world to see you”, adding: “There are so many different versions of me hiding behind the 500 odd posts I have shared on Instagram.” Tesara has explored many phases from photography and lifestyle to YouTube content and dance videos, so being in the limelight is not at all new to her. “As a teenage girl just turning 20, I’ve been searching for myself, trying to understand my personality,” adding that she felt “every stage of my content reflects exactly that”. Her recent content showcases her talent, motivation, and self-love “but most importantly resonates transparency”. Tesara wants her online persona to reflect exactly who she is and what her life is about “whether it’s what people want to see or not” – a message often forgotten and lost in the flurry of social media. Tesara also runs her own YouTube channel and has been on YouTube since she was in high school. Her first-ever channel, TeensReport, managed to make an impact of at least a small scale, featuring the best of Sri Lanka’s youth, thanks to a few fellow teenage content creators. Although the channel grew, Tesara eventually grew out of her teen years. However, she hopes it will be remembered. She began her newest YouTube channel less than two months ago under her social media handle @tesaarah. She stated that her YouTube channel is “something (she’s) experimenting with and constantly growing, but (she has) a lot of hope for what it could be”. At the moment, her channel is more of a lifestyle vlog featuring her “experiences, friends, and just like the rest of (her) social media, (her) true self”. Tesara is very excited to get her channel going, “although it is way harder than it seems to be comfortable filming your life in front of a camera”. Tesara plans on continuing her social media account by showcasing her lifestyle and authenticity with the desire to pursue something she loves. She enjoys what she does, and wants to make sure everyone else does too. PHOTOS YASHVIN SENANAYAKE (@ITSYASHVIN ON INSTAGRAM)

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