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The best way to practise patience

31 Jul 2022

By Ushara Shamini Let’s develop patience. We all know that sometimes, things may not go according to our expectations, and in that time, patience plays a very significant role. It helps us to continue in our efforts and be consistent no matter what. On the other hand, when things go wrong, being patient is best instead of losing ourselves and our hope and breaking down. Patience means having the inner power to be calm in challenging times. It is a positive mindset that sees opportunities even when the situation is not in your favour. Anyone can work to become more patient. Here are a few smart and effective strategies: Practise meditation and mindfulness: Meditation and mindfulness are useful tools for dealing with practically any negative emotion, and they are especially effective for impatience. Mindfulness is considered to be a mental skill in which attention is paid to the present moment, allowing us to feel aware of our thoughts and feelings, and be grateful for the small things. Meditation is a process where we get a chance to simply breathe, feel the body relax, and focus on nothing more than the next breath. It can help reset thinking and move the focus away from negative emotions. Therefore, practising both meditation and mindfulness is very powerful. Accept what you cannot change: Often there’s absolutely nothing you can do about a particular situation. Most situations simply take time, and stressing about it doesn’t help the situation or you. Therefore acknowledge these moments and strive to accept them. Overanalysing and overthinking them will only stress you out further, but if you accept that you can’t change the situation, you’ll be free to let your mind wander to more positive places. Know what triggers your impatience: Most of us have common triggers that set off feelings of impatience and they often come from recurring events as well. Recognising these triggers can help us manage our impatient responses. You can either find ways to avoid them or learn to accept that they will continue to occur and that your being impatient won’t help in the slightest. Be slow and steady: You have perhaps heard the saying: “Slow and steady wins the race.” If you want to practise patience, you must start practising this principle in your day-to-day life. The first thing is not to hurry anything. Always focus on quality rather than on quantity. Also, don’t be in a hurry to finish your work. Love your work and enjoy the process of doing the work. Get absorbed in the act rather than thinking about the end goal. Don’t react, but distract: Most of the time the best way to deal with frustrating situations is to focus on something other than our brewing irritation. Give yourselves a timeout, literally, and simply walk away from the cause of your impatience. This quick break can help you clear your head and approach the issue with problem-solving logic rather than unhelpful impatience. Always remember that with patience, sometimes you may get results that more than meet your expectations. Most people don’t have patience. So be different from others if you want to be successful in your life. Patience teaches you to take responsibility for your actions and feelings and forgive the imperfections, weaknesses, and fragility of yourself and others.   PHOTOS © ISTOCK, PEXELS, RESEARCH LIVE, MINT LOUNGE, VOGUE INDIA

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