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Visiting temple must be mandatory for Buddhists: PM

15 Mar 2021

Prime Minister (PM) Mahinda Rajapaksa said yesterday (14) that visiting the temple should be made mandatory for Buddhists once a week or at least on Poya Days. The Premier expressed these views at Sri Sunandarama at Galmuruwa, Madampe in Puttalam. He said the Buddhists should encourage children to attend Sunday schools. “As Buddhists, we should make it mandatory to visit temples at least once a week or on Poya Day. Today, the Buddhists are not keen on visiting temples, but people of other religions give priority to attend churches, specifically on Sunday,” he said. The PM added that the link between children and the temple should be strengthened as otherwise, the village and the temple will grow apart. He opined that for society to go down the right path, the link between the temple and the village must be maintained.  

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