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Substandard drug imports: NMRA to implement National Audit recommendations

Substandard drug imports: NMRA to implement National Audit recommendations

22 May 2024 | BY Sahan Tennekoon

  • To commence comprehensive probe upon conclusion of internal inquiries & judicial proceedings   

Following the latest report published by the National Audit Office recommending that the National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) take action against those who are involved in importing substandard medicines, the NMRA stated that it is to launch a comprehensive investigation into the matter once certain ongoing internal inquiries are finished.

Speaking to The Daily Morning yesterday (21), NMRA Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. Saveen Semage stated that the NMRA awaits the outcomes of the ongoing judicial matters and certain internal inquiries to identify the individuals who are involved in the controversy, whilst claiming that no NMRA officer has been individually identified as responsible for importing substandard medicines. Stating that the NMRA has yet to refer to the report published by the National Audit Office, he said that the recommended actions will certainly be taken by the NMRA. 

Dr. Semage noted that several internal inquiries have already been initiated to probe certain frauds allegedly conducted by the NMRA, and also said several other inquiries are being conducted regarding the misconducts that have allegedly taken place during recruitments. Therefore, he said that the NMRA is working to address certain administrative and management shortcomings that exist within the institution. He also said that a comprehensive investigation will be launched following the outcomes of the aforementioned inquiries and cases, and that action will be taken accordingly.

The report comes in the wake of several key persons, including former Health Minister and incumbent Government Parliamentarian Keheliya Rambukwella, former Secretary to the Health Ministry Janaka Sri Chandraguptha, and former NMRA CEO Dr. Vijith Gunasekera, being arrested for the controversial human intravenous immunoglobulin procurement. 

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