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SL records drastic drop in birth rate

SL records drastic drop in birth rate

08 Dec 2023 | BY Melkishiya Andrew

The Department of Census and Statistics has confirmed a significant decrease in Sri Lanka’s annual birth rate between 2019 and 2022.

Accordingly, data gathered by the department showed that while there has been a continuous decrease in birth rates since 2014.

Sri Lanka’s annual birth rate has had a drastic drop between 2019 and 2022.

The statistics revealed that there is a decrease of 6,401 in the number of registered births reported in 2023 and 2022, with a total of 268,920 births having been reported as of 1 July 2023, while a total of 275,321 births were reported in 2022.

Meanwhile, 284,848 births were reported in the year 2021, while an even higher total of over 300,000 births was recorded in 2020.

Comparing the total number of registered births in 2023 and 2020, the Department of Census and Statistics recorded a staggering difference of 41,786 between the two years.

Social analysts have confirmed that various reasons, such as social and economic constraints, birth control plans, family planning methods and global pandemics have contributed towards peoples’ decisions to not have children. 

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