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Fun things to do during curfew

12 Apr 2020

By Mahika Panditha By this point, you are probably bored out of your minds. I know I am. Not having any routine or schedule has completely disoriented my sleep schedule; instead of waking up at 6 a.m., I am going to sleep at 6 a.m. It is really making me lose track of days. However, I have been trying every day to do something productive so that I do not completely lose my mind. Thankfully, I have a heap of assignments due that I’ve been putting off. Obviously, we don’t always want to be doing schoolwork or work in general; there should be a good balance between work and fun. Personally, I watch Netflix, cook something, or try different ways to make my cup of coffee. Recently, I have got back into art too – something I used to do in high school – and it has been a great stress reliever...and a messy one at that. Anyway, here are some things you too could do to pass the time but also have fun! Workout at home  I am guilty of putting off going to the gym because I never seem to have the time, running between lectures and meetings. But now that we are basically at home all the time, I cannot complain. It is always good to stay fit and healthy, and there is no time like the present to start. If you have been putting it off, DO IT NOW. There are a tonne of different workout schedules online and Barre Essential is even holding some classes online through Instagram! There are so many different ways you could workout at home with the help of apps or even different Instagram fitness bloggers. My personal favourite apps are Seven (which basically gives you seven-minute full-body workouts for the day, which I used to do during high school) and 8Fit. You can also follow Krissy Cela on Instagram for different workouts. Redecorate Be creative and switch it up. I am sure there is something in your room you have wanted to change forever but never got around to doing so. Well, do it now. If it’s changing the colour of the walls…well, maybe hold off on that for a short while, but start with decluttering and reorganising your room. It is definitely a good start! I happened to clean out a bunch of useless notes and whatnot the other day, and although it was dusty, it took a solid four hours, keeping me busy and distracted. I was so tired by the end of it that I just passed out. Watch a new TV show This is the perfect time to start something new. I have been binging on this show and all of its spinoffs. I think just in the past two-and-a-half weeks, I have finished three different series and I am currently on my fourth and fifth! Usually, you would not have the time to just leisurely watch something and enjoy a good snack because there will always be something you have to do or somewhere you have to be. Give yourself a break and sit down, relax, and watch something. Make your favourite snack and beverage, and enjoy yourself. For me, it is piping hot coffee and a cinnamon roll! Catch up with friends Like I said before, time is always of the essence and not everyone can be co-ordinating all the time to chat. Since the whole world is on lockdown, call your friends abroad and at home and see how they are doing. Share your stories over the past few months – any new experiences and updates. It is important to maintain the connections most important to you, and now you have time to do so. This time also makes you think about the relationships and friendships you have in your life – be it reconnecting with old friends or making new ones, put yourself out there. Cook Please do not burn down your kitchen in the process, but try out a new recipe if you have the ingredients! There is a new trend of whipped coffee going around, and I am yet to try it. If you are a coffee fan, give it a shot. Maybe bake a cake or some cookies for your family, or even make them dinner or lunch. It will definitely keep you busy and distracted for a while in the kitchen! Self-care We often get so caught up in our daily lives that we do not make enough time for ourselves. This can mean putting off applying your weekly mask or not taking proper care of your body and health. If you are the type of person who focuses on skincare and have not been doing so lately – get back into it! If it’s more about keeping your space organised, do some deep cleaning. If you have let yourself go, just know that it is okay and you can rest and do better. There is always a way to practise self-care, even if it is just catching up on missed sleep! Take care of your mental health Another point that I must persist on is that you should pay attention to your mental health. It is a good time to dive into practising your breathing and working on mindfulness. Depending on how you feel, you can work on those things. Uncertain times like that of the present can be difficult, but it is also one of the best times to keep an eye out for what’s going on in your head! Play a game Whether or not you have a gaming device, you can still play games. For those of you that used to be Club Penguin fanatics, the game is actually back! So, that would be a good start if you are into that. If not, and you do have a gaming device, there are online games you can play with your friends. You can even play some online games on your laptops and phones with friends. It is a good way to keep your brain pumping! Be creative This whole pandemic situation is giving us unlimited time to do the things we could have done before too but never did. Tap into your creative side. If you are the creative type of a person and have a whole load of materials just sitting at home, make use of them. I have had paint in my room for years now. Of course, I tried to use them, but they had all dried out so I opted for writing in my journal. It’s still creative and is still doing something creatively active. Whether painting, drawing, making music, making digital art – it will fill your heart and is bound to make you feel proud of your work. Try it out. Read the book you have been avoiding reading I am sure there is a book or a set of books somewhere that you have been meaning to read but just never got around to it. And now you have the time and are still not doing it, pick that book up and try to read one chapter a day, at least. You might end up loving the book/s so much so that you get back into reading. We often find ourselves so busy in our daily lives that we forget about our hobbies, and reading might be one of those hobbies that you get back into! Honestly, you will probably love it. Even if you do not have any physical books, you can even try out an e-book or an audio book! Photos Barre Essential, Pinterest, Kitchen On Fire 

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